Choosing the Best Framework for Web Development Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, front-end frameworks play a pivotal role in shaping how developers build, manage, and scale web applications. From simplifying complex tasks to enhancing performance and user experience, the right front-end framework can be a game-changer. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most popular front-end frameworks, their unique features, and how to...

Posted On Jul 17, 2024 by Allan Musasizi

Master the Front End Development: Your Complete Developer Roadmap

The front end, the vibrant, interactive face of a website or web application, is where user experience takes center stage. As a frontend developer, you’ll be responsible for crafting engaging interfaces, breathing life into designs, and ensuring seamless user interactions. But where do you begin your journey in this exciting field? Fear not, aspiring developers! This roadmap equips you with the es...

Posted On Jun 17, 2024 by Allan Musasizi

How to make a mobile application

You've been thinking of an app idea for days, months or years, and even when you try to let it go it keeps coming back to you vividly. There might even be some already existing apps on the market that are trying to implement it but none comes close to what you envision for the concept. So you get the courage an decide to finally go ahead and turn your idea into a reality, first thing that come...

Posted On Apr 1, 2024 by Administrator

Does your business really need a mobile app?

This might seem a controversial heading to this post being that we are a software development firm and rely on walk-in clients that need us to build mobile applications for their businesses.  However, though we like the business coming in, over the years we have realized that even if you get paid for the work done, if the resulting product does not help the client’s business grow, or increase i...

Posted On Mar 11, 2024 by Administrator

Which pricing method to choose for development firms in East Africa?

I am writing this article from one of the East African countries, Uganda where our headquarters are currently stationed. Having been a part of Vihlix Limited from the start to date I have noticed a challenge that most companies/agencies/freelancers face while starting out, the issue of pricing their service. Pricing of your service is key to your business, most consider this as the main determi...

Posted On Aug 10, 2023 by Administrator

How to build a tech startup in Uganda

Being an enterprising nation, many Ugandans venture out into businesses every day a report I once read stated that for every 3 employees 2 have a business registered, it may not be operational but it is registered. However, with the known education system and lifestyle of many we opt to concentrate on what we have gotten good at or what we can afford .i.e we will go to school and get a certificate...

Posted On Aug 28, 2022 by Administrator

What is the difference between websites and web applications?

“Is it not just a website?”, is a question that we often get when explaining what a web application is to many of our clients that seek software development services. Let us start by defining both websites and web applications, both their similarities and differences, hopefully by the end of this read you will be in a position to easily pick which of the two is best for your business. What is a...

Posted On Apr 4, 2022 by Administrator

How to send messages to someone without saving their phone number

Used by billions of people to connect with colleagues, friends and family all around the world, Whatsapp is also used to communicate with customers and clients in several businesses but to send message to a person in WhatsApp one needs to save their phone number in ones contact list first. It has become more common to want to text someone on WhatsApp for some work or service which is to happen...

Posted On Mar 30, 2022 by Administrator

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